Task includes:
Checking Orders on the Daily Basis
Printing off the Shipping Labels
Putting the Products in Shipping Containers
Dropping Items off at the Post Office for Delivery
Designing Merch
Printing Merch
Shipping Merch
Making and Recoding Cooking Demos
Editing Videos
Posting on Social Media Accounts
Baking Products
Packaging Products
Dropping Products off at the Post Office for Delivery
Going to the Grocery Store
Taking Pictures of different Products
Writing up short summaries on the Pros and Cons of the Products
Uploading them on Website & Social Media Accounts
Going Live on the Daily Basis
Providing New Highlights
Conducting Interviews
Frequent Chicago establishments twice a month
Advertise Niehaus products
Making advertising videos
Posting video to Social Media Accounts
Managing IT Servers
Make updates to website
Update Spreadsheets
Perform Analysis